Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Monday 22 October 2012

Casa Nuestra Senora Del Transito


Casa Nuestra Senora Del Transito,
Franklin Villanueva y Maza,
(5517) Lunlunta – Maipú.

Waking to rain, loud on the roof, around five. The rain lessened around six. Rising c. 06.10.

Today is Performance Day for the Intro Team.


11.57    Morning Sitting with the Thirty-Minute Sitters. Fewer present than usual.

Breakfast at 08.00.
Hernan reported that two of the Intro Team were locked out after midnight; and spent the night in the cold and the wet.

After breakfast, looking at the Secondaries to formalize exercises around two forms of fingering.

Kitchen/Ork meeting at 10.00 to introduce exercises of our common practice. I was hoping Violeta, Alexander Teacher, would be able to join us; but Violeta was with Pitiful Bodies – One By One!

Four personal meetings at 11.15. Good, real issues.


T’ai Chi with Luciano at 12.30.


13.43     Lunch at 13.00. Silence visited strongly, and was welcomed. Silence is now our Friend.

18.10    The Writing Project after lunch; then development of the Secondaries.

Tea at 16.00


Returning to the Secondaries.

Six personal meetings at 16.30. Mostly mature meetings with real concerns.

18.29 A significant moment: the first complete draft of The Guitar Circle has just been saved.


20.51    Dinner at 19.00. Relaxed, gentle.

Afterwards, following the recent promptings of The Mighty Bull of Mendoza, meeting with the Buddies to address the Secondary Exercises. This is a first: the formal introduction of two forms of the First Secondary.

Outside the window: grooving groovers of the Performance Team.

23.14    Doors open 21.30, the performance beginning perhaps five minutes afterwards. There were a few initial problems with the number of seats available for the players.

A very well-spirited series of performances by several sub-groups within the overall group of 41 guitarists. Following the formal departure of the Team, an emissary of the audience was sent to request a return-performance immediately, perhaps with the sub-groups performing their pieces in a different order. This was so, and received quietly by the audience.

All in all, very well done.

Dessert crepes with whipped cream were served afterwards.

A significant day.

